Subject Code: Subject Code: 22SS201
“No matter what we do, each instant contains infinite choices. What we choose to think, to say or to hear creates what we feel in the present moment, it conditions the quality of our communication and in the end the quality of our everyday life. Beliefs and attitudes are made of thoughts. Negative thoughts can be changed and by doing so we create for ourselves more pleasant inner states and have a different impact on the people around us”
Course Description:
- Introduction of Soft skills & need for digital marketing students
- Importance and need for a professional appearance
- Skills of Group discussion
- Appearing for an interview
- How to present your skills through a CV
- How to present yourself on Social media for professional growth
Course Objectives:
- To make the students aware of the need for the Soft skill subject in the digital marketing area.
- To acquaint the students with the importance of professional grooming
- To evaluate the importance of the significance of resume building.
- To acquaint the student’s importance of Group discussion for the professional growth
- To define and analyze the importance of usage of social platforms for the professional growth
Course Outcome:
On the completion of this course, the students will be able to
- Students will respect and value the Soft Skills subject by applying the skills.
- Students will apply important elements of professional grooming.
- Students will analyze and understand the concepts of different formats of resumes used.
- Students will understand the importance of written communication and they will apply the professional presentation on the social platform.
Module Mapping:
- Soft skill – Students will understand/realize the importance of professional grooming and the need for various components of soft skills over technical skills in the industry in the range of self-confidence, self-esteem, leadership skills, group dynamics, and so on.
- Employability skills – Students will understand their areas of strengths and areas of improvement in order to present themselves through CV, GD, and social professional platforms.
- Entrepreneur – Students will understand their areas of strengths and areas of improvement in order to start their own ventures or work as a freelancer. The Soft skills sessions will help students in bringing self-awareness about their personalities.
(Note: It implies that after learning this, students will be able to see how it may benefit them in terms of employability, soft skills, and entrepreneurship.)
Pedagogy for Course Delivery:
Communicative, interactive Lectures, participatory sessions including demonstration, discussion, role-play, and conversation,
Text Reading:
- 7 Habits of highly effective people, Stephen Covey
- Great Work, Great Career, S.Covey, and Jennifer Colosimo
- D’Aversa, O. (2017). The Résumé Writing Kit (1st ed.).
- McGrimmon, L. (2017). The Résumé Writing Guide (1st ed.).
- M, Sarada. (2017). The Complete Guide to Résumé Writing (1st ed.)
- Hamadeh, S., & Oldman, M. (1995). Student Access Guide the Internship Bible (1st
- ed.). New York: Random House.
- Poore, C. (2001). Building your career portfolio (1st ed.). Clifton Park, NY:
- Thomson/Delmar Learning.
- Kramer, E. (2012). 101 successful networking strategies (1st ed.). Boston, MA: Course Technology Cengage Learning.
References :
Retrieved from
- Runyan, A. (2017). How and Why You Need To Make a Professional Portfolio.
- Classy Career Girl. Retrieved from
- Retrieved from
- Follow These Tips to Create a Professional Resume. (2017). The Balance.
- Retrieved from
- Types of Resumes | CAREERwise Education. (2017).
- Retrieved from
- Stumped on how to write a cover letter that will catch an employer’s
- attention? Get ideas from this sample cover letter. (2017). Monster Career
- Advice. Retrieved from